To download a specific Request for Proposal (RFP) or other solicitation, please click on the relevant Comptroller's Office's bureau tab below and then fill out You may use a copy of the form enclosed with the RFB for each location.REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CO-DEVELOPER OF 39-04 61ST STREET, QUEENS, NEW YORK. Bidders will be required to quote net cost for foods from various manufacturers and suppliers and delivery mark-up. When submitting bids or proposals, please pay close attention to all instructions. Prospective bidders may also request bid documents on electronic media in the format of a CD or DVD. Please download, fill out, and attach the appendices to your proposal prior to the submission deadline. Document. ALL BID DOCUMENTS must be submitted in a SEALED envelope, clearly marked with the BID NUMBER and NAME. Bid Status: - Any -, Closed, Open, Reopened. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CO-DEVELOPER OF 39-04 61ST STREET, QUEENS, NEW YORK.