The purpose of this policy is to provide specific guidelines for the use of all RFPs in the procurement of supplies or services for county agencies. Utah Community Action (UCA) is seeking competitive proposals through the State of Utah.Offerors' proposals must address and be responsive to recommendations and requirements stated in the Action Plan and this RFP. Pdf (USE THIS SAMPLE TO HELP FILL OUT BIDS). If you need sleeping rooms fill out the RFP form below so our team can start working on your event options in Salt Lake. The information provided herein is intended to assist Vendors in the preparation of proposals necessary to properly respond to this RFP. The Cover Letter and Executive Summary shall include: 1. The District also operates the. Wasatch Resource Recovery facility adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant in North Salt Lake. It is the intent of this RFP to secure competitive proposals to select Supplier(s) for the International Rescue Committee in Salt Lake City to supply:.