The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to provide the Superior Court of. 3.4 "Bidder" means the entity, offeror, supplier, person or corporation submitting a bid in response to this RFB document.We will be providing an overview of price driven procurement processes, requests for quotations and invitations to bid. To view current and past bid opportunities, visit Stadium Authority DemandStar Bid Opportunities. To access bid information, or to receive bid notifications, You will need to register in Periscope to participate in the bidding process, such as downloading an RFP and submitting a bid. Santa Clara Superior Court utilizes a computer SAN environment to create and manage cases within its. The bid shall be made on the Bid Forms provided (Bid Form plus Exhibit A Food Goods. SCHEDULE AND FORMS (Must be returned along with the Bid Form):. Request for proposal.