The Standard Agreement for the Sale of Vacant Land (Form ASVL) is the contract for the sale of unimproved real estate containing commonly used clauses. A Pennsylvania residential purchase agreement establishes a legal arrangement between a buyer and a seller in a real estate transaction.Send a For Sale By Owner prospecting letter to neighbors in 3 simple steps. Learn how to generate leads for your FSBO campaign. The Real Estate Division of the Department of Finance accepts questions from the general public for purchase of properties. Focus on three things: State your intentions, show that you have the financial means to make the purchase and make a personal appeal to the seller. This letter of intent outlines the interest of a landowner ("Grantor") in negotiating the potential sale of property or property rights to an applicant. Find useful forms for property assessments, real estate property and deeds, Military Discharge (DD214) requests, and more. All property owners who wish to sell a property in the City of Pittsburgh must be in compliance with the Dye Testing Ordinance before the property can be sold. The Guide explains what you should know when applying to rent, living in a rented property, and dealing with the end of a lease.