Get Your Cash Offer And Sell Your San Antonio House Without An Agent Today. This is the most frequently used contract form.Ready to sell a house without a realtor in Texas? Our comprehensive guide covers essential steps, documents, and tips for, a successful sale. Fill out the form and we will get back to you within 24 hours. Get a fair offer if you want to sell your house as-is in Bexar County and surrounding areas. In this video, we're going to walk step-by-step through the 10 pages of the TREC One to Four Residential Resale Contract (Form No. Navigating the world of real estate can feel like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. 7. Can a marriage ceremony occur if my fiancé is not able to participate in the marriage ceremony? We may contract with third-party contractors to help us manage, monitor and optimize our Website and the services and products we offer and sell.