When you make a purchase offer on a home, make sure you fully understand all of the conditions specified in your contract. In this video we're going to cover how a purchase contract works.A contingent offer is considered a legally binding agreement between the two parties, however it is conditional until all the conditions are met. Besides addressing legal requirements, making an offer should specify price and all other terms and conditions of the purchase. A conditional offer is an agreement between a buyer and a seller that an offer will be made if a certain condition is met. The first step to making an offer on a house is to get preapproved for your mortgage. Approval is a dress rehearsal for your mortgage. An offer to purchase may be conditional on obtaining financing, a prepurchase inspection of the property or the sale of the current home. A sales contingency is when you will need to sell your current home in order to close on the house you're offering to buy. Contingencies are clauses you can include in a home offer that set certain conditions for the purchase.