In general my advice to seller clients is to consider contingent offers only when the buyer's property is already in contract. A contingent offer is considered a legally binding agreement between the two parties, however it is conditional until all the conditions are met.A sales contingency is when you will need to sell your current home in order to close on the house you're offering to buy. The contingency clause gives a party to a contract the right to renegotiate or cancel the deal if specific circumstances turn out to be unsatisfactory. A contingency offer is an excellent option for a buyer, who doesn't want to be saddled with two monthly mortgage payments, but not always for the seller. Your dream home was just marked contingent. But can you still make an offer on a house that is contingent? The home sale contingency clause can be complicated to both structure and present to your buyer or seller. A contingent offer on a house is an offer with a protective clause on behalf of the buyer. Contingent literally means "depending on certain circumstances.