Work with your agent to submit a written offer based on local market value, specifying how and when the steps in the purchase will happen. A sales contingency is when you will need to sell your current home in order to close on the house you're offering to buy.This guide will walk you through the paperwork for selling a house without a Realtor and various other steps that can give you a leg up. An agreement to sell real estate, or a purchase agreement, is a legally enforceable document that specifies the terms of a real estate transaction. This FSBO paperwork is needed as soon as you accept an offer, so it's useful to have a purchase agreement onhand that you can fill out quickly. Work with your agent to submit a written offer based on local market value, specifying how and when the steps in the purchase will happen. Dr. Milton Rahman, P.E., PMP, CFM, ENV SP -. Simply fill out the online form, accept the offer, and schedule a pick-up or deliver to a local Houston drop-off site. For this reason, federal law requires that sellers fill out a lead-based paint addendum when selling a home built before 1978. An EIN is used to identify the tax accounts of employers and certain other businesses that have no employees.