To quickly search for a notice or letter on this page, you can press Ctrl-F in most browsers and type in the number or name, then press Enter. Have you sold Real Property in the City of Los Angeles?Complete this tax schedule to compute your tax liability. Write or mark sold and the new owner's name on the envelope and return it to the Los Angeles County Tax Collector. If you want to see if you qualify for an offer in compromise before filling out the paperwork, you may use the Offer in Compromise (OIC) Pre-Qualifier tool. I am selling my house and I have some forms to fill out and they are for 1099s and 593 in california I was curious if. The Treasurer and Tax Collector mails the Annual Secured Property Tax Bills each year in October to every owner listed on the Secured Tax Roll. This publication explains the tax rules that apply when you sell or otherwise give up ownership of a home. The Minnesota Homestead Credit Refund can provide relief to homeowners paying property taxes. To qualify, you must: