An escalation clause is "whatever the highest offer is I'll pay you more. " It presumes that price is literally the only thing that matters.When using an escalation clause in a multiple offer situation be sure that you speak with your REALTOR about the following: 1. Set a cap on your offer! The escalation contract could require the seller to show a copy of the competing offer before they can invoke the escalation clause. An escalation clause states a buyer is willing to raise their offer if a seller receives a higher offer. An escalation clause is an addendum submitted in a multiple-offer situation to improve the odds that you will outbid other buyers. An escalation clause is a rider written into a purchase offer to assist an individual in beating out competing offers in real estate. An escalation clause is an addendum to an offer on a property, stating a buyer's willingness to increase their bid if the seller receives a competing offer. Escalation clauses may be giving away too much information in a bidding war, and more real estate agents are advising their clients not to use them.