With it, the buyer should include some earnest money—part of the down payment—which is refundable if you reject the offer. Seller agrees to sell to Purchaser and Purchaser agrees to purchase from Seller real property (the "Subject Premises") located in _________County, Minnesota,.Minnesota Earnest Money is a conditional payment of money that a buyer customarily makes upon acceptance of an offer to purchase real property. Seller's proposals for repairs within the 2 day period, this Agreement is cancelled and the earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. 208. 209. 9. Earnest Money Deposit. When you write an offer, you should be prepared to pay a small deposit. Said earnest money is part payment for the purchase of the property located at. 12. Earnest Money Deposit: The final purchase price should include an earnest money deposit. In the "Earnest Money" section, specify the amount of earnest money deposit the buyer is providing and the form of payment (e.g. It's important to fill out specific details on this form, including the property address, sale price, earnest money, and closing date.