Discover what to do when you need to consider when notifying a tenant of the sale of the rental property. We've created a free sample letter you can use (no email optin required) to notify your tenants on your intent to sell the property.A copy of every eviction notice must be filed with the Rent Adjustment Program within 10 days after it is served on the tenant. If you're moving out soon, it's important to send a notice to vacate letter. Find out when to send it and see a notice to vacate template. Gov or mail it to the Loan Servicing Unit. There's no onesizefitsall approach when writing an offer letter for a house. I'm going to walk you through how I bought over 255 Parcels of land at a massive discount how you too can write a land offer letter. California Law (for everyone). If you have lived on a property for less than a year, you must get a 30-day Notice.