Real estate contracts in Philadelphia typically include several contingencies, such as financing, inspection, and appraisal contingencies. A sales contingency is when you will need to sell your current home in order to close on the house you're offering to buy.The contingency clause gives a party to a contract the right to renegotiate or cancel the deal if specific circumstances turn out to be unsatisfactory. When selling a house, contingent means specific requirements the seller or buyer must agree on before the sale of a house can be closed. Contingencies are protections put in place in an agreement that must be satisfied in order to move forward with the sale. You need to work with a real estate agent who is experienced in making contingent offers and selling a house within a tight timeframe. The home sale contingency clause can be complicated to both structure and present to your buyer or seller. The PAR Agreement of Sale allows you to make an offer to purchase contingent on borrowing money to pay for the house. A cash offer is when a potential buyer offers to pay for the entire cost of the house without using a mortgage loan or other financing. Waiving contingencies can seem like a great way for a buyer to win out over other offers.