You'll need to sign a residential purchase agreement, make an offer, possibly put down a deposit, conduct inspections and close the sale. One such critical document is the California Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA), the primary contract used in residential property sales in California.A real estate purchase agreement is a legally binding agreement that governs the purchase and sale of a property. The most common type of real estate contract that is used for the transfer of property between a buyer and a seller. SFAR Contract Kevin and Jonathan share tips for a successful San Francisco purchase offer in a competitive real estate market. Your agent must also conduct a visual inspection of the property and type or write up his or her notes on the form, which you must sign, too. An Offer to Purchase Real Estate sets out the terms of a proposed real estate deal. Create yours now with our free form. The purchase contract is a lengthy document. Both buyers and sellers are urged to look at a blank contract before an actual purchase offer is made.