An escalation clause is "whatever the highest offer is I'll pay you more. " It presumes that price is literally the only thing that matters.A license holder who adds these terms to the contract in any manner, including drafting an escalation clause, is engaged in the unauthorized practice of law. An escalation clause is a real estate contract, sometimes called an escalator, that lets a home buyer say: "I will pay X price for this home. An escalation clause is an addendum to your offer that you will increase your offer if necessary. Learn how an escalation clause works and if you need one. An escalation clause is essentially a clause that you add to the contract either to your original contract or to a potential counter offer. An escalation clause states a buyer is willing to raise their offer if a seller receives a higher offer. An escalation clause automatically increases the amount you're offering for a home when a higher bid comes in. The Price Escalation Clause shall be in effect throughout the life of the contract.