An escalation clause is "whatever the highest offer is I'll pay you more. " It presumes that price is literally the only thing that matters.An escalation clause is a rider, or addendum to an agreement of sale (purchase contract). An escalation clause is essentially a clause that you add to the contract either to your original contract or to a potential counter offer. An escalation clause typically benefits sellers since it automatically increases a buyer's offer without negotiation between the parties. It lets the buyer have the ability to increase their offer depending on if a higher offer happens to come in. Sounds Great right?! An escalation clause is a real estate contract, sometimes called an escalator, that lets a home buyer say: "I will pay X price for this home. An escalation clause states a buyer is willing to raise their offer if a seller receives a higher offer. An escalation clause is an addendum to your offer that you will increase your offer if necessary.