Create your Arizona sublease agreement here. Download our free template to sublet to a new tenant in the state.In this video, we go over everything you need to know about Arizona sublease agreements for rental properties. An Arizona sublease agreement is a rental contract that allows a tenant to lease the property they are renting to someone else (subtenant). Subleasing is when the current tenant of a property rents out their unit to a third party for a portion of their existing lease. Both the Tenant and Subtenant must complete a move-in inspection within 5 days from the start of the lease period. Step 1: Enter the name and address of the original tenant and subtenant. To start, you can explicitly address subleasing in the original lease agreement. Any reason for retaining a portion of the deposit shall be explained in writing within 30 days to the subtenants. 10. An Arizona sublease agreement form allows the current tenant of a property to share the rent with another individual, called the "sublessee."