Rent one of our lease purchase homes and you'll have the opportunity to buy in 4 to 15 years, depending on the home you choose. Description: This example of an agreement between a developer and a lease- purchaser is intended to illustrate how NSP grantees, subrecipients.CHN Housing Partners was the first program of its kind to link the Low-income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) with a lease-to-purchase option. Zillow has 775 homes for sale in Cleveland OH matching Available For Lease To Own. Apply to the court for an order directing the landlord to remedy the condition. Terminate the rental agreement. A lease purchase agreement between a tenant and a landlord allows the renter the option to eventually buy the property. Free listing service: Fill vacancies quickly and save on advertising costs through our exclusive unit list for homes in your area. Property Improvements. CMHA is dedicated to ensuring high-quality affordable housing opportunities throughout Cuyahoga County.