A Georgia sublease agreement is a secondary lease made between the existing renter (the sublessor) and a third party (the sublessee). A Georgia sublease agreement allows a tenant to sublet their rental unit to a subtenant.A sublessor is the original tenant of the rental unit. Georgia Sublease Agreement ✓ easily fill out and sign forms ✓ download blank or editable online ✓ send and share templates with PDFLiner. A sublease agreement is a rental contract used for rerenting a currently leased unit to a new tenant. Our free sublease agreement template makes it easier to sublet your room or apartment. Edit and store it on Contractbook to keep track of dates and obligations. A sublease agreement is a form that allows a tenant to rent space they have under a written contract with a landlord to someone else. Free Landlord's Consent to Sublease. Create and print for free in about 5-10 minutes.