Get more information regarding the area and surroundings. Get details and reviews regarding a particular Fort Worth accommodation.Com is a website connecting renters with short-term sublets. Renters can sublet their spaces shortterm, such as for a month, or they can sublet for nearly the whole length of their lease. Get details and reviews regarding a particular Los Angeles accommodation. Subletting, also known as subleasing, involves renting out a property or a portion of it that you are currently leasing, to a new tenant. Subletting is a real estate arrangement where a tenant leases their rental property or part of it to another individual, known as a subtenant. Use this guide to understand the process of subletting, how it differs from subleasing, and answers to common subletting questions. A sublease agreement is drawn up in these situations, specifying key terms between you, the original tenant, and your friend, the subtenant. Often, shortterm sublets go for slightly less than the usual rental cost.