This article will provide you with all the information you need to draw up a lease agreement in Massachusetts. Learn about the rights and responsibilities of both parties, as well as the renting process in Massachusetts in the links below.Landlords and property managers in Massachusetts use a legal document known as the rental application to evaluate prospective renters effectively. Standard Residential Lease Agreement – Fixed-term rental arrangement. For any residential housing such as an apartment, condominium, house, or any other type. Links to two types of Massachusetts rental agreement, downloadable and ready for use. Discusses the myth of a Massachusetts standard lease. If you want to see the list of forms that will complete your rental package, visit our forms page. A Massachusetts residential lease agreement is a fixed-term agreement between a landlord and tenant for the use of property in return for rent. Simply log in to your Zillow Rental Manager account, enter the address for the property then select Leases.