At least one of the adult applicants must currently reside in Middlesex County and have maintained residency for at least one year at the time of application. FRBO houses, apartments, condos, and townhomes near you.Our Housing Programs enable low and moderate-income households to access heating and cooling services and improve energy efficiency. Generally, landlords have a right to include a "no pets," provision in the lease agreement. Click on FAQ tab below to learn more about: How your property is used as collateral in the home purchase or refinance process. Applicants must be first time homebuyers and existing Middlesex County residents for a period of at least one year. SMOC's Rental Assistance Program offers subsidies to eligible families, covering 37 communities. It's typical in most managed places that you are responsible for the rent until the unit is rerented. It gives the date that the tenant must voluntarily leave the apartment and the reason for eviction. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.