This Housing Agreement is entered into on Oct 15, 2021, between Sample Sample ("Resident") and SSC Riverside Apartments. A Sublease Agreement is a contract that outlines the terms of a sublease between an existing tenant and a subtenant.Request for a sublet or lodger form Riverside. It consists of three parts: Part A: Contract Information, Part B: Body of Contract, and Part C: Tenancy Addendum. Embrace subletting in California! Know your rights, follow guidelines, and have a solid sublease agreement. A California sublease agreement is a written arrangement that involves a residential tenant leasing their rental property to a subtenant. A California lease agreement allows a landlord of residential or commercial property to write a legally binding rental contract with a tenant. Apply for on-campus housing, complete a Residence Hall Contract, submit a Campus Apartment Application, reserve Summer Housing and more. Basic Lease Information. 1.01.