In a sublet, the new renter makes rent payments to the property owner. A sublet allows direct landlord communication with the subtenant, unlike a sublease, where the legal relationship is between the primary and subtenant.However, the lease you have with the landlord supersedes any subsequent agreements. If you transfer just part of your leased space to another tenant while you remain on the property—on a temporary or permanent basis—it's called a "sublease. No information is available for this page. A sublet, or sublease agreement, adds someone new to an existing lease. Usually the new person (subletter) replaces someone who is moving out. An overview of the moving process for participants with a Section 8 voucher in Santa Clara County, CA, and eligibility requirements to move out of the area. Sublet and sublease are two different words for the same concept. The suffixes of each word, "let" and "lease," both mean to rent out a property.