If you own agricultural property in Suffolk and are interested in selling development rights to the County, you can download a program application here. The lease applicant shall be required to submit the first annual lease rental fee payment to the Department upon signature of the Lease.Any landlord renting a housing accommodation to a tenant within the County of Suffolk shall offer to such tenant, in writing, a minimum lease term of one year. A memorandum of this Lease Agreement shall be recorded in the official records of the Suffolk. 2.2 Farming Practices. Tenant will cultivate the Property in a timely, diligent, thorough, and farmer-like manner in accordance with good farming practices. Find a solicitor for your a sublease agreement in Suffolk. Lawhive is fast, convenient and cheaper than traditional law firms. Landlord to enter upon the Holding to carry out land drainage and to pay such contribution towards the cost of the works as may be agreed or failing. DISCLAIMER. This draft of a Farm Lease Agreement is intended for educational and general informational purposes only.