Create your free Texas residential sublease agreement. Download our template and learn how to sublet an apartment in Texas legally.The Texas sublease agreement is a useful rental form that can be implemented when the tenant of a property wishes to convey occupancy to a new tenant. A sublease agreement is a rental contract used for rerenting a currently leased unit to a new tenant. A Texas sublease agreement defines the terms that allow a subtenant to move into an alreadyleased rental unit. A Texas sublease agreement is used when a tenant (sublessor) wishes to lease their residence to another person (sublessee). A Texas sublease agreement defines the terms that allow a subtenant to move into an alreadyleased rental unit. How to fill out the Comprehensive Sublet Agreement Template? The Texas Sublease Agreement is designed for tenants in Texas who wish to sublease their rental property to another party. A sublease agreement is a legal document that permits a tenant to rent out their property to another person, known as a subtenant.