A very simple template for a conditional agreement, entitled Assignment of lease agreement, is available on the Tribunal administratif du logement's website. Looking to sublease your rental?Easily create a Residential Sublease Agreement. Fill in the complete address of the rental unit, including the unit number (or apartment or suite number) and the postal code. The lease form of the Tribunal administratif du logement is mandatory since September 1, 1996. It must be used for any new residential lease. A lease is a contract concluded between a landlord and a tenant that defines their respective commitments concerning a dwelling. A guide, in multiple languages, to help landlords and tenants understand and complete the Standard Form of Lease (standard lease). Here is a sample sublease agreement you can fill out or use as a template. Leases differ somewhat in terms, but items that the parties may wish to include in a written lease agreement are: 1) Name and signature of the landlord;.