Here you will find forms for every case type. Forms for filing a case, answering a summons, entering a plea, even asking for a continuance or for an appeal.1. Provide tenant name, phone number, and email address. For new students, here's how to send official transcripts to one of 10 or more Maricopa Community Colleges campuses. This means you must give notice in the month before the month you want to leave. You must then record the certified copy with the county recorder in the county where the real property is located. Days written notice before the date you intend to move out. If you have not received your permit or notification after 75 days, please contact the CWPU. GUIDELINE. This guideline applies to any local education agency, school district, charter school, or any other entity in the Department of Education. a. You may also fill out the Complaint online using the "civil forms" link.