List your full name, address, city, state, ZIP code, phone number, and email. Following that, add the date you are writing the letter.Please complete this form if the business has sold, transferred, or disposed of ALL of its tangible assets in accordance with §10-402. As an employer, you must record sums that are withheld from employee wages in a ledger account to clearly indicate the amount of state tax withheld. Just state your interest in simple language, and give one or two cogent reasons of why you feel a transfer would be beneficial for you and for the company. The letter will instruct the transferee to complete the final requirements for placing a vehicle in service within ten days. In the top left corner of your letter of intent for job transfer, write your name, the name of the company you work for, and its address. Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index. MCPS Careers is the only way to apply for jobs within MCPS.