Information and Instructions. • Submit this form within 30 days of the vehicle's date of transfer to help protect yourself from liability for criminal.Notify the TxDMV that I sold my vehicle, register my vehicle with the TxDMV, transfer my license plates. Submit the completed form in duplicate along with the filing fee. This document provides a model form, information, and resources for local education agencies to notify students and parents of transfer of rights. This document is to inform you that parental rights under the Individuals with Disabilities. The notice informs the tenant of the change in ownership of the property, the assignment of the lease, the transfer of the security deposit to the purchaser. Refer to the checklist to confirm the completion of transfer-out steps and communicate the following details to the employee: 1. Expand All Collapse All. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP.