The current credit holder who is notifying the Department of a transfer is required to sign Form LPC-2. You may have recently received a letter from us titled Uncashed Refund Check if you have an uncashed check for a tax refund or tax rebate.This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. If you're ready to respond to your transfer notification letter, we have a step-by-step checklist full of details on how to complete the process. All the forms and applications for Registered Nurses and Advanced Practice nurses are all available at the Nurse Portal. Make a list of the decedent's debts: What bills are coming in the mail? • Locate a copy of the decedent's taxes from the prior year if possible. The Circuit Court Clerk's Office is on the first floor of the Courts Building located at the intersection of Ironbridge Road (Route 10) and Courthouse Road. Online tax payments can be made 24 hours a day in the Citizen Portal, which allows taxpayers to gather all personal property and real estate tax accounts. • The executor may fill out a Small Estate Affidavit for any assets that require it.