While employees often give two weeks notice as a courtesy, there is no law requiring you to give any notice. Employers must post the Official Minimum Wage Notice at each workplace or job site in a conspicuous place.The Notice must be provided at the time of hire or within seven days of any changes to the information. Your public employer must notify you, in writing, that it intends to terminate your employment or take other serious disciplinary action against you. Employees who work less than three and one-half hours in a day will not receive a paid rest period. 6. 090 of this chapter as representing the employees in a particular representation unit. All cases that are assigned to a civil direct calendar department receive a Notice of Assignment. No. Employment in California is at-will. A recipient employee is eligible to receive up to 40 working days of donated time per employment. How does a landlord serve notice of a "no fault" termination of tenancy?