Last Monday, Illinois governor Bruce Rauner issued an executive order that, if it stands, will absolve state workers from paying forced dues to a union. Among the choices voters will have to make on Nov.1602) Sec. 2. Policy. Illinois became the fourth state in the country to protect collective bargaining in its constitution. US Representative Mike Quigley (IL05) urged his colleagues on the House floor to stand up against righttowork laws and stand up for the right to organize. Lations Act, 1947, I submit herewith the Thirtyninth Annual Report of the National Labor Relations Board for the fiscal year ended. In a comparison of the seven areas without a change in the minimum wage law, the average gain in earnings was 3.4 percent. Urban Design and Character explains the basic urban design frame- work and principles that should be used in the future development of the. Public high school that did not work out.1.