In this guide, we'll provide a general overview of Pennsylvania's employment and benefits regulations for small to mid-sized businesses. Employees in Allegheny County can earn up to 40 hours of paid sick time in a calendar year unless their employer opts to offer more earnable hours per year.â–« It is illegal for an employer to fire you, cut your hours, or otherwise penalize you for taking legal action asserting your rights. Let's take a deep dive into Pennsylvania's labor laws, with details on all the important aspects of the state's regulations on your employees. Generally speaking, an employer can require mandatory overtime from their employees. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Paid Sick Leave Mandates: What Employers Need to Know. Pittsburgh Sick Leave Policy: Employers are required to provide employees who work in the City of Pittsburgh with paid sick leave. Workers Compensation. PA12. Learn about county policies that affect our employees.