Keep your child in a booster seat until they are big enough to fit in a seat belt properly. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed legislation requiring all children under 2 years of age to ride in rear-facing child car seats in the vehicle's back seat.Children ages four to seven must use a booster seat if they have outgrown a car seat. What Are The Laws In Pennsylvania For Child Car Seats? Over 4 years and over 40 lbs: PA Law: Children ages 4-8 must be in a booster. The Pennsylvania Car Seat Law states that all children under 4 must be secured in a child restraint system when inside a vehicle. Performance of the Employee's work, as provided for in the Workers' Compensation Law of the. It is only valid for employment within the State of Pennsylvania. Thank you for your interest in having your child use the Medical Assistance Transportation Program. (MATP). The MATP application process is simple.