Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. Arizona, on the other hand, doesn't require employers to offer any breaks during an 8hour shift.There is no federal law or Arizona state law that says employers must provide breaks and lunches. Employees working more than six hours, spanning the midday meal period, are entitled to at least a 30-minute unpaid lunch break. Employees must be afforded reasonable bathroom breaks. Arizona defaults to federal law regarding breaks for all workers. Rest break: Illinois mandates a tenminute paid rest break for every four hours worked, with some exceptions based on the industry. The One Day Rest in Seven Act, as its name implies, allows for at least 24 hours of rest every seven consecutive days. So if you work in Arizona, it would be Arizona law even if the employer is based out of a different state. An employee may waive their right to this meal break in a written agreement with their employer.