Arizona allows either the employee or the employer to terminate employment at any time for any reason as long as the reason does not violate state statutes. Arizona is an employment-at-will state and a right-to-work state.This article explains the difference between these two laws. Since Arizona is an at-will state, Arizona employers should consult an employment law office before incorporate this term into an employment contract. Although Arizona law allows for verbal contracts in some cases, some contracts must be written to be considered valid. If you're an Arizona business that needs to hire employees, use our free employment contract templates to outline the terms of employment. Arizona follows the "covenant of good faith and fair dealing," which exists in every employment contract. Call (480) 464-1111 or fill out the form to schedule your consultation and discuss your best legal options. (b) There is an Arizona state law that says an employer cannot fire an employee for that reason. These holdings are limited to facts in which an employment contract arises out of an implied-in-fact contract.