Youths under the age of sixteen (16) can not be employed in solicitation sales or door-to-door solicitation after p. The Department of Safety may issue age certificates to 16 and 17yearolds.14-15 year olds may work up to 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, unless attending summer school. From June 1 - Labor Day may work between 7am and 9pm. Arizona child labor regulations can be found in Title 23, Chapter 2, Article 3 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. Federal. Contact. Example: Federal law says that 14–15 year olds cannot work over 8 hours a day. Generally, Arizona child labor law prohibits children 13 years of age or younger from work, except in some limited situations. Minors aged 13 and under cannot work. It's hard to find a job as a 15-year-old as most places require you to be at least 16 yo. Children who are 14 and 15 years old are allowed to work in a range of jobs in Arizona but there are limits on the number of hours they can work.