A.R.S. 23-233 restricts the hours that youths under the age of sixteen (16) can work. Minors aged 13 and under cannot work.Children in Arizona can begin working at age 16 while school is in session. When school is out, children as young as 14 can work in certain positions. Generally, Arizona child labor law prohibits children 13 years of age or younger from work, except in some limited situations. Children who are 14 and 15 years old are allowed to work in a range of jobs in Arizona but there are limits on the number of hours they can work. However, employers of minors under age 18 must obtain and keep on file proof of the minor's age. Minors who are 16 or 17 years old can generally work in any job unless it's specifically prohibited as a. The FLSA states that minors under 16 may not work more than eight hours per day and 40 hours per week when school is not in session. When school is out (or if the minor is not enrolled in any school), no minor under 16 years of age can work before 6 a.m.