"Failure to give a two week notice will result in your final paycheck being paid out at minimum wage. " This is illegal right?I signed an agreement stating my employer can withhold my paycheck when I quit or don't give a two weeks notice. Is this legal in the state of Texas? The TPA requires an employer to pay its employees in full and on time on regularly- scheduled paydays. I work in an atwill state (Texas) but my contract says I have to give 1 month notice, and the company has to give 3 months notice. In need of a San Antonio employment contract lawyer? The employer is no obligated to pay out the time of the employee between the day of termination and the date the notice was to be effective. Generally, non-exempt workers must be paid at least twice a month on designated paydays. Assuming there is no contract or agreement to the contrary, you're not required to keep an employee on during their resignation notice period.