Employees must read this Code and conduct themselves accordingly. Any violation of any of the following rules or any other regulations governing.Download a daycare employee handbook with policies, procedures, and best practices for delivering top-quality childcare. OCFS has issued new emergency regulations that make changes to the rules for comprehensive background checks to ease the burden on programs and parents. An employee handbook is an important resource for your staff, clarifying expectations, responsibilities, policies, and benefits. It outlines requirements for opening a child care program, spaces where care can be provided, the ratios of children to adults, and resources for providers. Group child care (center-based) provides care to three or more children, under 6 years of age, for five or more hours per week. HELP USA offers a suite of early childhood programs in the Bronx (HELP Daycare), serving children in shelters and the surrounding community. When you want to use your sick time, please fill out the Employee Verification Sick Form to ensure your use of sick time is consistent with allowable purposes. The employee shall be provided with a copy of these Personnel Policies and a job description for the position being filled.