Submit the Withdrawal of Resignation form with a copy of your nomination letter to Field Services. An employer does not necessarily need to accept the employee's request to withdraw their resignation.A resignation cannot be withdrawn, canceled, or amended without written approval from the Director of Personnel Central Office, Albany. You receive a valid NYCDOE security clearance. A resignation may not be withdrawn, cancelled or amended after it is delivered to the appointing authority, without the consent of the appointing authority. The purpose of these rules is to provide for the employees of the Unified Court System a career and merit system consistent with the Civil Service Law. Employees in the US can withdraw their resignation before the effective date of separation. The term "voluntary separation" as used in the statute means leaving employment of one's own free will. If an employee's conduct is out of character and did not resign in writing or verbally, this kind of resignation may be invalid. You can try to appeal to your employer and convince them to allow you to withdraw your resignation.