The law limits the number of hours that minors under 18 may work when school is in session. All students between 14 - 17 years of age must get an employment certificate in order to work.How do I get working papers? If you are a minor and would like to work, you can apply for working papers. You can get an application from a local public high school. All minors between the ages of 1417 must provide "working papers" prior to their first day of work. You obtain your working permit from your school and then your parents must sign it. This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. Minors under 14 are not allowed to work, with limited exceptions, such as acting or performing, delivering newspapers, or working in agriculture. Lmk when you find out because I'm 15 and I'm also struggling with finding a job in the city.