Notify the employer in writing within 60 days after wages were due to be paid, that the employer has not paid the wages earned for work performed. You are entitled to unpaid commission after a workplace injury.Contact a dedicated workers' compensation attorney for a free consultation on your case. An employer typically cannot hold your paycheck until you return equipment because the employer always has to pay at least the minimum wage. Permissible employee wage deductions extend up to the final paycheck following resignation or termination. This state-specific guide covers labor and employment case law, statutes, rules, and regulations that HR professionals and clients often encounter The Law Offices of Kevin D. Smith, P.A. is an employment law attorney who will defend your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve. In Broward County, employers must pay employees their regular salary minus any compensation from the court for up to 5 days of jury duty leave. In an August 2013 trial victory in Broward County, Florida, the Mavrick Law Firm successfully defended an employer being sued for overtime and other wages. The Ordinance applies to any employer of any size with employees working anywhere in the County, regardless of where the employer is located.