California's new "Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Places of Employment" standard is now in effect as of July 23, 2024. California's Heat Illness Prevention Standard requires employers to provide training, water, shade, and planning.The new rule applies to most indoor work areas in California when the indoor temperature equals or exceeds 82°F when workers are present. The law will apply to indoor work environments that reach or exceed a temperature of 82 degrees Fahrenheit when workers are present. This new regulation applies to any indoor work area where "the temperature equals or exceeds 82 degrees Fahrenheit when employees are present," Covered California employers are also required to provide actual shade for employees. The heat rule was initially expected to be implemented in 2019 but faced five years of delays. A new heat illness standard for indoor work areas will affect California employers as soon as this summer. Update Applicable to: All employers with employees working in heat hazardous workplaces in California. Explore a guide to asking your employer for protections against the heat.