It does not matter where you were born or what your legal status is. Some fill-in-the-blank labor law postings require location managers to add information about emergency contacts.California's employment laws are stringent and strongly enforced. Learn about the key aspects of California's labor laws and where to find out Workers cannot be discriminated against based on their protected classes, such as national origin, sex, gender, and race, among many others. Under California law, earned vacation time is considered wages, and vacation time is earned, or vests, as labor is performed. California is one of many US states that upholds an "at-will" employment standard. CRD has a crossfiling agreement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for cases violating state and federal law. Governor Newsom recently approved several employment bills that will significantly impact the rights of employees in California starting on January 1, 2025. California is one of the most workerfriendly states in the US, with broader protections around discrimination, wages, and more.