The Fair Workweek Ordinance requires certain employers to provide workers with predictable work schedules and compensation for changes. Employers must give workers the estimated days and times of their work schedules, in writing, for the first 90 days of employment.For more information or to file a complaint about an employer's practices, please call the Workplace Rights Hotline at 1-844-740-5076 or use the complaint form. Call (847) 498-6040 - Cotler Law, LLC is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in Employment and Discrimination cases. Call (312) 269-0200 - Merrick Law Firm is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Discrimination and Employment Law cases. Under this act, employers must allow qualifying employees to take up to 12 weeks off work without pay. Need help with an employment or business law matter? Call (312) 269-0200 - Merrick Law Firm is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Discrimination and Employment Law cases. This Insight highlights the most significant developments that will affect employers and offers an overview of the changing legal landscape in Illinois. Both Chicago and Cook County have significantly amended their paid sick leave ordinances, with the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick and Safe Leave Ordinance.