Every employer is required to pay all wages earned at least semi-monthly. You can file a wage claim online using the links below.The online claim process allows you to submit a complete and accurate claim on IDOL's website. The Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act is a state law that sets requirements for when earned wages must be paid. The Illinois Wage Payment and Collection Act provides a remedy to employees who do not receive their pay or wages. Employers shall pay to workers on strike or layoff, no later than the next regular payday, all wages earned up to the time of such strike or layoff. Employers are required to pay the employee their final earned compensation no later than the end of their next regularly scheduled payroll after termination. Your employer must pay you your full wage and agreed upon benefits in a timely manner. Under Colorado law, an employer cannot withhold an employee's final paycheck, except for certain authorized deductions. In the case of overtime hours, you should be paid the overtime rate.