Chicago Labor Laws Educational Resources​​ The Office of Labor Standards has put together law-specific educational resources. The Paid Leave for All Workers Act (PLAWA) allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid leave from work each year.Labor Laws and Regulations: The primary legislation governing employment in Jamaica is the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act. You will need to sign an employment contract with employees in Jamaica. The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act, Operational Date: March 22, 2010, Number: of 2010, Last Amendment: November 25, 2014. Form 6059B Customs Declaration in English and Fillable. The Industrial Relations (IR) Department is responsible for the promotion and maintenance of industrial harmony in Jamaica. IOM is an equal opportunity employer and seeks committed professionals with a wide variety of skills in the field of migration. Veterans Benefits Administration provides financial and other forms of assistance to veterans and their dependents. Employers engaged in a trade or business who pay compensation.