Today, we're going to be talking about the Shop and Office Employees (Regulation of Employment and Remuneration) Act No 19 of 1954. Labour Law in Sri Lanka encompasses all the rules an employer must follow when or after hiring employees.Labour Code of Sri Lanka, New Amendments of Acts and Ordinances, 44 Wage Boards Established under 1941 Part II Ordinance No. 27. In Sri Lanka, labor laws stipulate that an employee is required to work a maximum of 8 hours per day or 45 hours per week. The purpose of this Act is to govern the wages and labour conditions and standards in Sri Lanka. There are two key acts governing employee termination in Sri Lanka: the Industrial Disputes Act (IDA) and the Termination of Employment of Workmen Act (TEWA). Wages Board Ordinance (No. Maximum working hours, overtime regulations and leave entitlements: These typically align with the provisions outlined in the Shop and Office Employees Act (No. Unlike, the Wages Boards Ordinance, this.